For me, love is the thing that spins the planet; it is the magical subject that turns a frown to a smile within seconds. The power of love can definitely stops a war. That is why in my opinion everyone needs love, As love is a strong feeling that it can be felt through the darkness of pitch black sight of a blind man and the dead silence of heard by a deaf man, thus making the life looks so colorful and beautiful and love songs are played in the air.
Love is the Voice under All Silences? Also known as the ‘silent love’.
Now what does that mean? This is one type of love does not really exist nowadays because not many of us understands the real meaning of love anymore. The silent love is actually a love that works its magic silently and quietly. Outside you may seem that there is nothing going on between two persons, but inside there is actually a burning love towards each other and that is usually the reason for two spouses to be able to live through this life together for decades and for some, a bit more than a hundred years.
Arranged marriages.
If you ask our grandparents, ancestors or any real old people about this, they will surely smile. Why? Well, that is because by majority, those are the reasons why they got married in the first place. The parents choose a candidate for their child, get to know them and their family and if nothing are in the way, and then the marriage is on. That may seem simple, hustle-less and all but hey, most of arranged marriages last for a long time right? They may not have known each other at first, total strangers living together. But as time passes by, they got to know each other deeper, they understand each others’ weaknesses and strengths and fall in love with everything there is in the other person.
If you compare arranged marriage and the modern marriages nowadays where people get married to the persons they have known and loved for a while. But which one breaks so early? The modern marriage, of course. This is a result of, after some time the love that made them got married had dried out and probably some crisis have filled the air in the house and they started to hate each other and in the end there is nothing that can hold the marriage anymore. Finally, divorce is their option (in most cases).
Do you think that the elder people would divorce just like that? No, because despite that they may seem to fight every day, scream to each other, lecture each other but inside of their hearts, the silent love towards each other is still strong, the love that they have built from zero has finally become very strong and sturdy and nothing, like those small arguments can break the tie between them. Thus, the marriage becomes unbreakable and they live together until death does them apart.
That is what “love is the voice under all silences” means to me. Others may have different interpretations towards this but this one meaning brings a very significant importance to me as I think, this is also one of the many forms of true love.
The End.