One guilty thing that pleasures me is my personal great escape or what I love to refer to as "escapism".
Escapism :
>The act of breaking off from the chains and running away.
>The action of releasing oneself from a strain.
>The weird need from inside of the heart to escape the stress and live freely without constraints.
>My own way of creating a boundary between myself and the work loads of assignments and tasks.
>The way of relieving the tensions and ease up the tight knots in your stomachs.
Blank? Well, let me explain this further.
At times when assignments are congesting up your system, your head get too crowded with stuffs to do, work to be completed and problems to be settled. Even the act of thinking seems too difficult and unbearable as the tons of tasks squeeze the air out of your lungs until you grasp for air to breath. What would you do release all the stress and ease up the tensions? Surely everyone has one unique way of de-stressing right? That is seriously and crucially important; to avoid us from being a “zombie” who feels nothing and stare into nothing and just to do what is being told. Well, some may refer that as being “dead inside”. This can usually be detected whenever a friend of yours appears to be emotionless when you crack a joke in front of him of her. Or even pinch him or her and no response is given out. Clearly that is the most critical state someone can be when he or she is too preoccupied with assignments. This state might be normal around the examination week.
Does that sound familiar?
Okay, that is when I look for my escape! If I fail to get it, I might get cranky or even snappy or just shut off from the whole world, and be as quiet as a mouse.
It is a getaway, my own style of getting away, taking a rest from the stressful tasks of my studies, and go hang out with my friends, out of and far away from college, in my own beloved hometown. My friends and I would talk, drive around, and mostly listen to music on the radio and enjoying the city life outside silently. Those might not seem like a waste of time to others especially my parents, but to me that is the most important thing that I have to do have at least one or twice a month. I would spend a lot of money just to go back home, go have a drink or meal with my friends and just spend the night gossiping and all. For others, that might sound boring, they might prefer going to clubs, go for a date or just spend some time alone or listen to some soothing music. To me, my escapism is my relief. And often, weekends are my target for it! That is why I am always looking forward to Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
Oh. And why is it a guilty thing for me? Because only few knows where I go for escapism! And that's what pleasures me. :P