Throughout this semester I have learnt a lot from this subject Critical Literacy, or as it usually referred to as CL. Guided by a really dedicated lecturer, my classmates and I have seemed to get a brand new eye. Not literally an eye, but a new perspective and view in looking at things.
An eye-opener. We are taught to evaluate each matter with every bit of fact that we can get then, justify it with concrete reasons.
Lesson 1 : “Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover”First and foremost, every article or topic that is given should be a very critical matter so that it is worth being analyzed and evaluated. Next, as soon as we get it we are told to read it as many times as we can so that we can fully understand it. It is very important to avoid being biased because that will be considered as being fair towards the topic. Therefore, every conclusion or point of view that we want to give in Critical Literacy should be backed up with justification.
Lesson 2 : Nothing is right and wrongThinking critically means you have to evaluate one specific topic from all angles. Looking from different perspectives give you holistic view on it. Therefore in Critical Literacy we do not judge whether that one thing is right or wrong, but we justify each and every opinion based on our own research and reading.
Lesson 3 : Comment criticallyThe final lesson we had in this subject was to comment critically. We were given a task to comment on a peer’s work and present it in front of the whole class. The benefit from the task is actually quite indirectly. This is to sharpen our logic and creative mind because commenting needs logic, but answering questions about our comments need creativity. Hence, this activity teaches us to be able to balance our two parts of the brains in analyzing things around us.